

Changing Face of Hunger:

Mini-Documentary Series


Director : Nick Kalbach,

Producer/Production Manager: Nick Kalbach – Teton Productions 


Building on the recent radio success of National Public Radio’s (NPR) Hidden Hunger Series, Teton Productions is partnering with the Placer Food Bank to develop a series on individuals who are affected by hunger in our region. The series will provide a fresh take on food insecurity and serve to challenge common stereotypes of whom it affects. From the working poor to the temporarily unemployed, local food banks are serving a new demographic and struggling to meet the expanding need. Each of these candid human-interest stories will shine a light on one specific individual that exemplifies the changing face of hunger in America today. This particular episode shines a light on Patty, a recently unemployed Tech Worker, who have found herself in dire straights after being gainfully employed for the past 30 years.


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Teton Productions
6080 Valley View Ct.
Placerville, Ca 95667